Academic Open Internet Journal

Volume 13, 2004


A Genetic Model for Interference Suppression in DS-CDMA Systems

And Performance Comparison with Neural Network Receiver


B.Sivakumar1                               S.Krishnan2                    Dr.S.Subha Rani3


1Research Scholar,  Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering,

 PSG College of Technology,  Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004, India


2PG Student, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering,

 PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004, India


3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering,

PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004, India




We present in this paper a new multi-user receiver using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based decision scheme for interference suppression in Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access Wireless Systems (DS-CDMA). In this work a hybrid approach that employs a GA and Multi-user Detector for the multi-user detection (MUD) problems in CDMA/WCDMA cellular systems is investigated. The proposed GA approach with MUD performs well in the presence of Multiple Access Interference (MAI) under CDMA/WCDMA standard conditions. Cancellation of MAI is the prime concern in our work since it improves the performance of the system with increasing number of users. This paper also compares the performances of MUD using Neural Networks and GA with the standard optimum receiver which is a benchmark for synchronous CDMA systems. Simulation results for these above methods are provided to show that the approach is promising and encouraging. A comparative performance analysis of the four receivers, i.e. conventional, optimum, neural network, and genetic algorithm is carried out by simulations. In all examples considered, the proposed genetic receiver outperforms the neural network receiver.



Code division multiple access (CDMA), Genetic algorithm (GA), Multiple access interference (MAI), Multi-user detection (MUD), Neural networks.



CDMA is one of the several methods of multiplexing that has taken a significant role in cellular and personal communication systems. Direct-sequence CDMA is the most popular one and has unique feature that each user is assigned a different signature waveform, and the received signal will be the superposition of the signals transmitted by each of the users. The capacity of the DS-CDMA system is limited by multiple access interference. Two main approaches have been developed to reduce or suppress MAI. The first approach is by virtue of multi-user detection in which the differences of the spreading sequences of the users are employed to remove MAI. Another approach is to suppress MAI. MUD is the intelligent estimation/demodulation of transmitted bits in the presence of multiple access interference.

MUD technique is an appropriate one for suppressing the effects from the multiple access interference and consequently improving the system performance [1]. The problem of demodulating signal in a code division multiple access - Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel is known as MUD. Multiple accessing in the code domain is achieved by spreading the spectrum of the transmitted signals using preassigned code waveforms. The conventional method of demodulating a spread spectrum signal in a multiuser environment employs one matched filter to the desired signal [1]. Since the conventional receiver ignores the presence of interfering signals it is reliable only when there are a very few simultaneous transmissions. Due to MAI, the single user detection strategy induces a problem by the name of Near-far problem, i.e. the performance drops when the powers of the transmitting users’ are dissimilar [1]. Thus cancellation of MAI is necessary to improve the performance. This requires the so called multiuser strategy.

The optimum MUD outperforms with a marked increase in computational complexity, which is exponential in the number of users [2]. With the already existing decorrelating detector also, it has been proven that the complexity is exponential in the number of users. Since CDMA systems could potentially have a large number of users, this solution may prove, in a number of situations, to be impractical and too expensive to be implemented. This situation gave rise to suboptimal detectors that are near-far resistant and have less complexity, and their performance is comparable to that of optimum receiver. One is the decorrelating detector and the other one the multistage detector (MSD). The decorrelating detector is linear and near-far resistant. It provides significant improvement over the conventional one, at conditions where the MAI is dominant. MSD is a non-linear detector that might achieve near optimal performance in some cases. In contrast to the decorrelating detectors, it requires exact knowledge of the user’s powers. It relies on improving each stage by stage estimate by subtracting the estimate of the MAI obtained by the previous stage. The decorrelating detector suffers from noise enhancement and the MSD performance depends upon the initial estimate, which is generally provided by the common detectors.

In this paper, we consider the multiuser detection from a combinatorial optimization point of view by neural and genetic approach. Driven by the demand of algorithms to attain lower computational complexity, here we have proposed a neural net multiuser receiver and genetic multiuser detector [3][4]. It is worth mentioning that the multiuser detector can be viewed as an optimizer that searches for a better solution. We also present the neural net receiver for the demodulation of multiuser signal in the presence of MAI and have shown that it gives a near optimum performance. The algorithm employed is the back propagation methodology to train the network. Next the GA approach is considered which operates on the population of potential solutions (called generation) and uses a function to produce increasingly better approximations to the solutions. At each iteration, a new set of possible solutions is created by selecting individuals based on the fitness level and applying the generic operators, crossover and mutation. It may be computationally expensive, but can be parallelized in both of these approaches.

The paper is organized as follows: The general CDMA model, the conventional, optimum, decorrelating detector, are presented. The neural net model is explained and the neural net receiver which employs the matched filter section with a sandwich concept is presented. The genetic model is presented as an optimal technique. Further we have highlighted the computational complexity of the detectors. Computer simulations are highlighted. Finally, concluding remarks are pointed out motivating research for other near-far resistant and near-optimal methodologies. 


Approach and Methods

Multi User CDMA System Model

Let us assume that there are K transmitters in the network at a given time interval. The kth user transmits a signal derived from a set of code waveforms assigned to the corresponding user. In this model we consider only symbol synchronous CDMA model which is time limited in the interval [0,T] where T is symbol duration, and the packet length is considered to be P. In a multi user model the signal at a given receiver is the superposition of the K transmitted signals in additive channel noise


where, n(t) is the white Gaussian noise with spectral density No/2 .s(t,b) which is the signature waveform that is time limited to [0, Tb], expressed as


where, b =[  b1(1), b2(1),… bK(1),], [  b1(2), b2(2),… bK(2),]…… =[  b1(P), b2(P),… bK(P),] ,  bk ε { +1,-1} is the ith transmitted bit of the kth user., sk(t) is the signature sequence of the kth user, Tb is the bit interval duration , τk ε { 0,Tb}  is the time delay of the kth user, P is the packet size.

The modeling of symbol synchronous system, is considered, since it will provide a manageable complexity for problem solution with the optimization method such as GA and Neural networks, and help understand better, the issues of the asynchronous case which is further complex and general.


Conventional Matched Filter

The system model for Conventional Matched Filter (CMF), which is also generally called as Matched Filter (MF) will be given as below for a single user [3].


Where the first term indicates the desired users signal and the second one indicates multiple access interference and the third one being noise. The CMF treats all the terms except the first one as noise on the whole and that is the reason for the CMF with poor performances in Bit Error Rate (BER) with more number of users.

For all the users the detection becomes as follows:

                In matrix notation we have,

Y = RAb + n

The decision scheme provided by the CD is given as follows from the above equation ie;

bCD(i)  = sign { y(i) }

where, i denotes the ith user bit.


Optimum Detector

The optimum multiuser detector is an enhanced version of CD which searches for the best solution in an optimal sense. The optimal detector decides the bit sequence as the one that minimizes the following equation.


The above equation considers the error in the mean squared sense. The minimization of the above equation results in the following detection decision.    


In this equation b indicates the possible combination of input vectors that could have been possibly be sent at the transmitter and y denotes the actual received bit vector. It is clear from the above that the optimization is over the 2PK combination of vectors and it is obvious that the error computation complexity is having exponential relation with the number of users.        


Neural Networks in Multiuser Detection

Artificial neural networks are highly interconnected networks of simple processing units referred to as nodes or perceptrons which operate in parallel [3]. They are designed to mimic the neurobiological networks. Particularly the multi layer perceptron, which is a layered network of perceptrons, is capable of approximating arbitrary decision regions in the input space for most classification problems. Also the possibility of the massive parallelism makes them a desirable alternative for optimum and conventional receivers in multiple access communications. An important aspect of neural network design is the modification rule for training. The back propagation algorithm is an excellent example of training algorithms that have been widely used to many classification problems.

In our problem, the neural network is used as the bit classification scheme in the synchronous channel. The configuration of neural network used here are for single user demodulation. The configuration is given in the following figure.

Figure 1.Perceptron model


The network shown here consists of an input layer of nodes and hidden layer and an output layer of nodes. The basic mathematical model of each neuron or node is given as the output of the ith node of l th layer takes the value as,



where Ml   denotes the number of nodes in    l th  layer  and wji(l)  denotes the weights associated with the connection between the jth node of the l-1st layer to he ith node of the l th   layer and w0i(l)   is the corresponding threshold. The activation function used here are tan sigmoid function in the hidden layer and pure linear function at the output layer. In this model v j(0) denotes the jth input to the network and M0 is the total number of inputs to the network.

Figure 1 shows a simple multi layer perceptron with 3 inputs and a single output. The dot symbol denotes the summation function from all the prior connections. In multi user detection problems the number of nodes in the output layer will be equal to K’ where K’ ε {0, 1, 2…K} is the number of demodulated signals. The training algorithm used here is back propagation algorithm which is an iterative gradient descent algorithm that minimizes an empirical error function.

The error function is defined as the sum of errors due to each training input pattern ε (ω) = ∑p ε s where the error corresponding to the pth training pattern is defined as ½ ∑i ( di – vi(L) )2 where di is the ith desired output specified by the user. In general because of redundancy of neural networks, the back propagation algorithm will find only a local minimum of the error surface. The back propagation is better at training the neural networks for single user detection problem. The performance of this algorithm is improved by making the learning procedure under supervisory mode in the hidden layer.


Genetic Algorithm in Multiuser Detection

GA are search algorithms based on the mechanics of natural selection [5]. In every generation a new set of creatures (such as bit strings) are being generated which have survived from the previous generation The basic application of GA is to reach the optimum point of a search space with the minimal overheads of time and storage and computational complexity with some trade off in reaching the exact global minima in the given optimization problem. GA is an effective tool for searching the surface to reach the global minima.

The basic GA starts with a population of bit strings called chromosomes in GA parlance, which undergoes the GA evolution for given number of generations and finally ends up with the best population from which the most capable individual for our problem can be chosen. The population size generally does not change over time .i.e. there is no generation gap or in other words the population size is kept constant over all generations. If some generation gap is introduced for example say as 0.1, then the population size will keep on decreasing by the same amount between each generation. Moreover the population size and chromosome length are problem specific. The members of the population are the individual symbol strings that represent possible solutions to the problem to be solved. The GA evolution process is defined by three operations: 1.Selection 2. Crossover  3.Mutation

Each member of the population is evaluated for its fitness value and assigned a probability to be selected for reproduction. After selection the recombination or crossover is applied to pairs of parents to create offsprings which will be mutated through the mutation operator and inserted into new population forming the next generation of individuals. The individuals here implies one of the possible solution candidates. The fitness values of individuals are evaluated after each mutation and the least fit individuals are replaced by new individuals. The algorithm continues until good results are obtained in terms of the objective function.

In terms of the problem at hand, the problem representation and the related issues are addressed as follows. The main variable to be optimized is the detected bits of the users at the receiver. The received bits will be noisier and the solution candidates are in the form of bit strings in which each bit represents the user bit. The solution candidates are evaluated along with the received noisy bits to arrive at the near optimal value. The solution candidates are in the form of binary strings already as {-1, +1} as the bits are antipodally modulated at the transmitter for synchronization issues. Hence no further encoding procedures are needed.

Also the initial population of solutions is taken from the conventional detector outputs. With the one single CD decision output, the individual bits are randomly modified to obtain a new set of solution candidates from the CD decision set. The purpose of the fitness function is to evaluate the individuals of the population. It is required to be a non-negative figure of merit [5], which otherwise may introduce errors in finding out the least fit individual in each generation. In MUD the objective is maximization of the cost or objective function derived from optimal detection problem as given below:

c(b) = 2  yT b - bT H b                        (7)

The mapping of the objective function into a non negative function is done as follows.

f(b) = K + {  c(b) - cw  }                     (8)

Where cw is the objective value of the worst individual in the current population and K is a positive arbitrary constant.

GA parameters varied are:

1. Population size,2. Selection mechanism,3. Type of crossover 4. Crossover probability,5. Mutation probability,6. Replacement strategy. The simulation results shown were given with detailed settings of these parameters.


 Complexity Of These Detectors

In the optimum multiuser detector, the search included over the entire 2 PK   possible combinations. However, as the number of users increases the comparison process is unmanageable. The alternative to the direct optimality computation is through dynamic programming [6] for example, in which the number of comparisons is not dependent on packet sizes of the bits. But even in that implementation the solution will not be NP-hard for moderate values of K, and hence a heuristic algorithms for optimization like GA will definitely be a good alternative [7]. While other optimization methods have their own properties on closing onto the global minimum, GA always approach towards global minimum and in terms of local minima search, it approaches the minimum quite fast than other methods. The computation complexity of GA is given in terms of Np the number of population in each generation and Ng, the number of generations involved in the search. The following are the calculations involved in the GA process.

1. Random sequence generation for Np individuals for each generation, for the selection process.

2. Since the number of crossovers is Np/2, the bit string exchanges taking place at the rate of pcNp/2 where pc  is the cross over probability.

3. The number of mutations are NpPK, taking the number of bit inversions taking place for mutation to pmNpPK, where P is the packet size and K is number of users, and pm is the mutation probability. Arriving at the computations per bit resulting in the computational complexity of O(NgNp). And this compares well with the dynamic programming alternative for optimization.



The simulation for a 10-user and a 3-user system are taken for illustration. The PN sequences used were of 15 bit gold sequences. The gold sequences are generated by modulo-2 addition of two m-sequences clocked by the same chip clock. In contrast to simple m-sequences, gold sequences are suitable for multi-user CDMA systems. They offer a large number of sequence sets with good correlation properties. The autocorrelation of the sequences are found to be satisfying the properties of pseudo noise sequences in terms of auto correlation. The synchronous system model was considered. There were two types of results obtained. One is  SNR vs. BER and the other is MAI vs. BER. The first result was plotted for both user configurations against all four methods namely the CD, optimal detector, neural net detector and the GA receiver. The plot of MAI vs. BER is presented in which the MAI is represented as the ratio of the first user’s signal power with that of other users’ signals whose increase in dB indicates the presence of strong signals of other users while detecting the first users’ signal. The Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) for MAI plot was maintained at Eb/No = 6 dB. Eb/No ratio signifies the SNR value of the user’s signal which is kept constant. The received powers of all users are assumed to be equal for the SNR plot. The following were the parameters used for the neural network model:

No. of input layers – 10 / 3 , No of Hidden layers  – 7 / 3, No. of output layer – 1 (single user detection) Transfer functions used        – tan sig (hidden layer) purelin (output layer) Training method  - back propagation , Simulation bits           - 500 bits. The layers are given for 10 and 3 user configurations.






Crossover type

Single point

Crossover probability


 Mutation type

Boundary mutation

Mutation probability


No. of generations


Population size



Table 1 – GA parameters


















Figure.2 Simple GA Model



         Figure.3 – MAI vs BER  NN Vs GA                                    Figure.4 – MAI vs. BER

      K =3,L =15 ,Bits =500                                                    K =3,L =15 ,Bits =500
















Figure.5 – MAI vs. BER                                                Figure.6. – SNR vs. BER

   K =10, L =15, Bits =500                                                K =3, L = 15, Bits = 500
















         Figure 7 – SNR vs. BER

          K =10, L = 15, Bits =500



The results shows the comparison of BER in terms of signal to noise ratio as well as multiple access interference which is represented as the ratio of energy of first user with the energy of all other users. i.e. Ei/E1 ratio. The energy of all other users are taken to be equal when compared to the first user. The CD tends to perform well at lesser number of users and is found to be ideal for such situations with lesser complexity. Whereas for the 10 user scenario depicted in Figure 5 indicates the genetic method performs better than the neural network based detector performance for more number of users. For the 3 user case the GA performs better in terms of BER than the Neural Network. The optimum detector forms the bench mark performance levels against MAI and the same is shown in Figure 4 along with the methods that are being discussed viz. neural network and GA based detectors. The performance of 3 user case is projected in Figure 3 and Figure 4 for MAI and Figure 6 for SNR Vs BER.

In terms of complexity, the neural network structure implemented requires very high memory for storage of multi layer perceptron models with much larger number of users whereas the genetic structure needs comparatively lesser memory but with higher processing requirements. Hence when comparing GA with the neural networks the GA, gives better performance to that of neural network, which can be used for implementation with lesser overhead than that of the neural network method.



On comparing the performances of the sub optimal detection techniques, it is shown that the conventional detector scores well at lesser user scenarios with its minimum complexity. For more number of users, the optimum detector gives the best results. However its exponential relation of complexity with number of users makes it practically unrealizable. Here, it is shown that the GA performs better than the neural network and also has the implementation possibilities with the current parallelism available in computers.



The authors would like to thank their supervisor, and those who actively supported in carrying out simulations for various configurations. The authors are also thankful to the staff of the department who gave very useful comments and conceptual clarifications during the course of this work. The author Mr. B. Sivakumar would like to thank his parent college, Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Management & Principal, Government of Karnataka & AICTE, New Delhi, India for sponsoring him under QIP(Quality Improvement Programme) for his PhD programme. I also thank my parents, wife and daughter for their encouragement and support extended for the successful completion of this work.



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